General Terms and Conditions for the Booking of Hotel Services

These general Terms and Conditions apply to bookings of hotel room and houses through EIGHTY FOUR ROOMS (hereafter referred to as EFR) performed by the customer via mail or email.

1. Contractual Relationship with EFR

The contractual relationship between EFR and the customer resulting from a booking consists exclusively in an intermediary contract, which binds EFR to carry out the booking carefully and in accordance with all relevant regulations.

EFR does not any any form of travel services whatsoever in its own name.

The other party to the accommodation contract is the hotel or house that you have booked.

Please note that the service descriptions published by EFR are based on the information of the hotels and houses, and that EFR assumes no liability for the correctness and completeness of these descriptions.

2. Booking

a) EFR shall convey your booking to the respective house or hotel, acting as an agent.

b) This agent service is free of cost for the guest. The further sale of the reservation to third parties and the further rental of the rooms to third parties for higher prices is excluded. EFR reserves the right to cancel confirmed reservations in the case of violations. The sale or transfer of the booking claim on the hotel or the house is also excluded. The hotel or house reserves the right to cancel the booking in the case of such a sale or transfer.

c) The hotel room offers and house offers are valid conditional on availability at the time of the written booking request and conditional on possible changes effected by the accommodation provider.

d) All special requests, e.g. for king-sized beds, non-smoking rooms, or twin rooms, are non-binding.

3. Contract and Payment

a) The booking contract for accommodation in the booked hotel or house is closed directly between you and the booked hotel or house. The price of the room confirmed by EFR is to be paid directly upon arrival at the hotel or house. All claims and obligations resulting from the accommodation contract, are directly and exclusively between the booking party and the booked hotel or house.

b) The reservation confirmation will be sent to you exclusively by email.

c) Credit Card Information: In order to guarantee your booking, it is necessary to provide EFR with your credit card information. If you use a Visa or MasterCard, please enter the 3 digits in the signature field of the credit card. If you use AMEX, please enter the 4 digits on the front of the card.

4. Occupancy

The booked room is to be available for occupancy no later than 15:00 on the booked day of arrival.

On the booked day of departure, the hotel room is to be vacated no later than 11:00. In the houses, the times may vary. Please note that 100% of the booked room price for the period booked applies in the event of early check-out if the hotel is unable to rebook the room on short notice. The same applies to houses.

5. Changes and Cancellations

For record-keeping purposes, please carry out all changes and cancellations of your booking in written form.

Do not contact the hotels, but direct your requests to EFR:



6. Unused Services

Should the booking customer not make use or only partially make use of the services included in his booking, this shall not give rise to any claims to compensation.

7. Liability

EFR is only liable for properly displaying information, advising the customer, and processing the booking in accordance with the intermediary contract. EFR is not liable for the services to be provided by the hotel or house.

The customer is to direct his inquiries regarding such services exclusively to the hotel. All deficiencies are to be reported directly on location to the house or hotel. All resulting claims, including specifications of the deficiencies, are to be reported no less than one month after the contractually agreed-upon end of the stay in the house or hotel.

It is recommended to report deficiencies in writing with proof of delivery.

EFR’s liability resulting from the intermediary contract is limited to the accommodation price, insofar as EFR has neither committed an act of malicious intent nor of gross negligence.

8. Data Protection

The information provided by the customer to EFR shall be electronically processed. This information will only be passed on to third parties insofar as necessary for a booking. The information shall not be shared for other purposes.

EFR will not share your information with third parties our otherwise use it without your consent. Insofar as information is processed and shared for statistical purposes, it shall contain no personal data.

9. Miscellaneous

All information displayed on the website has been carefully prepared. Nonetheless, no liability is assumed for errors in data collection or data transmission. The copying of data onto other data carriers, including excerpts of data, or the use of data for purposes other than those described here, is only allowed with the express permission of EFR.

The use of EFR offers and contents is only allowed for individual hotel and house booking inquiries. Automated inquiries are not allowed. All programs and contents are protected intellectual property and therefore may not be copied.

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